Thursday 1 October 2015

Dear Friend,

15th of July 2014
09: 31 AM
Diary #7

There is one outstanding trait about me that can strike anyone who knew me all my life. And that is, my knowledge about myself (well i am still figuring things about me so..) but i know myself more than anyone especially those who judge me. I would not change a thing just to make them happy, that is a bullshit thing to do. No one have to. NO ONE SHOULD. I get a sudden feeling of annoyance when is trying to ruin the one good thing about me, pointing out my flaws and use it against me and make fun out of it. Sometimes, creating a joke for it is my defense mechanism to just get over with. I dont know why its such a big deal to them which i dont. You know its really safe to say, that people really and i mean REALLY love to put each other down, attack you without warning. With that being said, my point is, I am an actual living (and you are too) breathing and have feelings too (if you are not strike with this you are a machine) We all feel pain, annoyance, being ridiculed and yadda yadda. But like i said,

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