Friday, 16 August 2013

Story Of My Life


Writing is safer, somehow
because my pen cannot stutter like my lips do,
and words get stuck in throats,
not fingertips can't stumble
on paper trails or blue lines.
Because writing is definite and clear
and no one can tell if I'm crying 
or laughing...

                                                                                            through written words alone.

I am a nice person, underneath of me hates everybody.

Ever since I can remember I have loved book. Not just loved, but been passionate about. I regularly spend hours at a time browsing in bookshops/library, losing track of time, losing myself in another world. I spend a good hour wandering around, smiling softly to myself, sometimes just brushing the covers. I would escape from world by burying myself in books - the one true love of my life when growing up.

I dream of having my own bookshop. Actually, my dream has always been to own a bookshop that also encompasses a milkshake shop or Music store. I envision it as the sort of place that would include my summer fantasies. You know, fantasies could never match reality.

I love books more than people, because relationship ends, friends leave and life doesn't stop for everybody. I love eating... my feelings. I love going  to roof decks.
Its strange because sometimes I read book and I think I am the person in the book. I don't know, maybe because I love the idea of redefining myself against what I had once been.

I study rainbows...

I consider myself a frustrated and confused writer. I just write my heart out...

So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them.
But even if we don't have a power to choose where we come from,  we can still choose where we go from there.


All the love, Bree x

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