Monday 23 September 2013

Dear Family,

Monday, 23rd September 2013
22: 14 PM
Diary #5

Dear Family,
                  I just want you to know that I love you guys so much. You know I can do anything for you. I know I may be immature at most times, but I know you know that I am just confused and trying to figure out who I was. The real me. You know I am trying to be more responsible about everything.
                  I know I always disappoints you sometimes (or maybe most times). It just kills me about how you feel about me and how you wanted the best of me but disappoints you. Every time Ive done wrong. I am trying to patch things up. You know I wont trade you guys to anything in this world. I only have one family, You guys. For bad or good. I have one family and I cant trade you to anything.
                  Its hard for me because you wanted me to be better at anything, but I gave you nothing. When I quit Uni, i know that you are so disappointed about me and even though you wont utter a word I can feel it and I can see it. Its hard to fathom for all of it.Well, I am trying to find myself to compensate about everything I was before. I just wanted you guys to know that I will stick to you guys no matter what.
                  Because I know 'sticking with your family is what makes it a family'. And thats what Im doing. Im going to stick to you guys forever :D

                                                                Love always,

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